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Call 01206 79 2001 for more information

Home Sales Products

We specialise in bespoke solutions and working with customers, so regardless of whether you need a regular lintel or assistance with something unusual our staff are always easy to contact.

No answering machines,
No automated call handling,
No corporate inertia!

Contact us

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By Phone or Fax:
Tel. Sales Direct: 01206 79 2001
Fax. 01206 79 2022

By Email:
Sales direct: lee@lintels.co
Technical: mike@lintels.co
Accounts: linda@lintels.co

By Mail:
Harvey Steel Lintels Limited
Commerce Way, Whitehall Industrial Estate, Colchester, Essex

Visit us:
We are easy to find at the above address, or see the map to the left.
CO2 8HH on most Sat-Nav system will park you virtually outside our factory.